日本財団 図書館


as is annoying to other persons.


(Prohibition for Carriage of Explosives, etc.)
Article 86. An aircraft shall not carry any goods of an explosive or highly combustible nature, or any other goods which are liable to injure persons or to damage properties as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


2. No person shall carry into an aircraft goods as described under the preceding paragraph.


Article 86-(2). Any person who is engaged in an air transport service may, whenever he has any reason to believe or suspect any cargo, baggage or personal effects carried by passengers or any other goods which have been carried or are about to be carried into an aircraft, are, judging from their shape, weight or other circumstances, constitute the goods referred to in paragraph 1 of the preceding Article, refuse transportation or carriage of these goods in an aircraft and require the consignor or owner of these goods to unload them, or he can unload them by himself, in the case that the consignor or the owner is not immediately available.


2. The Minister of Transport may, when he deems it particularly necessary for securing the safety of air navigation, order air carriers to implement such measures under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


(Pilotless Aircraft)
Article 87. Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 65 and 66, any aircraft equipped with apparatus which enables it to fly without being manned by a pilot may, when permitted by the Minister of Transport, engage in a such a pilotless flight.


2. The Minister of Transport may, in granting permission under the preceding paragraph, establish flying restrictions in relation to the said aircraft when he deems it necessary to prevent any dangerous effects on other aircraft.


(Towing of Objects)
Article 88. Towing of objects by an aircraft shall be carried out in accordance with the safety standards established in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


(Dropping of Objects)
Article 89. No person shall drop any object from an aircraft. However, this shall not apply where there exists no danger of causing injury or damage to persons or properties on the ground or water and where the details of the intentions for such action have been reported to the Minister of Transport prior to the said action.





